Here We Make Italy: The Italian Risorgimento
1h 4m
Ross King
Why does virtually every city, town and village in Italy have a monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi? Ross King, author of The Shortest History of Italy, will look at the role of Garibaldi and others in the Risorgimento, the dramatic and pivotal period when the Italian peninsula - divided into regions and dominated by foreign powers - united under one rule for the first time since the Fall of the Roman Empire. The dozen years between 1859 and 1871 offer a compelling narrative marked by political upheaval, military conquests and the tireless efforts of visionary figures such as Garibaldi, Camillo Cavour and the legendary "Thousand." While military victories and political diplomacy played a crucial role in unifying Italy under a single flag, the lecture will also examine the enduring challenges of cultural and linguistic integration, reminding us that the quest for national identity is not merely won with rifles and cannons, but through the shared bonds of language, heritage and tradition.