Women and Men in Post-War Italian Cinema - Part 3

Women and Men in Post-War Italian Cinema - Part 3

Dr. Peter Weller & Jordan Ledy

The Second World War leveled a fascist, then partisan Italy. Using real locations, a film movement emerged, now called Neorealism. However, we might just call the movement Realism, as Italy’s film, in the country’s confused void in post-war ethic, was the first to jump forth into social narratives of self-search within an economic blitz of poverty and pulchritude. Liberation freed depiction of gender, previously pinned by a fascist male narrative.

“Hey Ulysses! When do we get off the ship and see the world?” Or “What century are we in?” Science, the bomb, industry, and love either keep the individual in check, in fear or bequeath freedom, which is “just another word for nothing left to lose.”

Women and Men in Post-War Italian Cinema - Part 3