The Renaissance of Painting in Venice (Part I)

The Renaissance of Painting in Venice (Part I)

Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

The repercussions of the Florentine artistic revolution of the 14th and 15th centuries were not truly felt in Venice until the 1460s. Although the work of the Venetian painters Jacopo Bellini and Antonio Vivarini soon after 1440 signaled a nascent Venetian school, it was not until Giovanni Bellini’s distinct pictorial style emerged in the 1460s that the Venetian Renaissance truly began. And while Giovanni Bellini had already been experimenting with the oil medium, the arrival of Antonello da Messina to Venice in 1475 marked the beginning of an artistic technical revolution that transformed Venice into Europe’s leading painting school. Combined with Venice’s unique geography, political stability, unparalleled wealth, social mobility, and lack of a classical history, the Venetian school of Renaissance painting quickly came to represent a distinct and revival movement to the central Italian Renaissance of Florence and Rome. This course will trace the evolution of Venetian painting and its protagonists in the second half of the 15th century in order to better understand its importance and role in the history of art.

Course Objectives:
· To bring a historical figure to life through a “hands on” approach to the works produced during the early Venetian Renaissance.
· To understand the role that the historical context of the Venetian Renaissance had on its extraordinary artistic production.
· To learn to appreciate the rich and influential aspects of early Renaissance Venetian painting at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries.
· To develop the fundamental skills of art historical analysis that include formal analysis and iconographic interpretation.
· To develop an ability to interact in a personal and intimate manner with works of art – which in the case of Venetian painting are some of the most beautiful in history – and their surroundings.

The Renaissance of Painting in Venice (Part I)
  • LECTURE 1 "The Dawn of the Venetian Renaissance: Jacopo Bellini & Antonio V...

    "The Dawn of the Venetian Renaissance: Jacopo Bellini and Antonio Vivarini"

    The first two Venetian artists to actively respond to the artistic trends coming out of Florence in the 15th century were Jacopo Bellini and Antonio Vivarini, who founded the two dynasties that were to dominate the early...

  • LECTURE 2 "The Advent of Oil Painting -Giovanni Bellini & Antonello da Messina"

    The first important phase of Venetian painting in the early Renaissance was certainly defined by the work of Giovanni Bellini, whose earlier works demonstrate the influence of his talented brother-in-law, Andrea Mantegna, with their incisive, linear forms. But the arrival of Antonello da Messina ...

  • LECTURE 3 "Narrative Painting in Venetian Confraternities: Gentile Bellini &...

    "Narrative Painting in Venetian Confraternities: Gentile Bellini and Vittore Carpaccio"

    The emergence of large-scale cyclical narrative paintings in late 15th-century Venice was a conscious response to contemporary fresco cycles by central Italian painters such as Ghirlandaio, Lippi, and Perugin...