The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci - Part 1

The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci - Part 1

Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

This course will focus on the extraordinary artistic genius of Leonardo da Vinci. Through an in-depth and nearly exhaustive analysis of selected works of art from throughout Leonardo’s career, students will acquire a profound understanding of the contributions, achievements, and failures of this most unique of historical figures.

Particular emphasis will be given to those works of art that best define our collective image of Leonardo, as well as those that stand as milestones in the history of art.

Course Objectives:
• To bring a historical figure to life through a “hands on” approach to the works produced by the artist throughout the entirety of his career.
• To understand the role that the historical context of Leonardo’s life had on his extraordinary artistic and scientific production.
• To learn to appreciate the rich and influential aspects of Italian art from the late 15th to the early 16th centuries.
• To develop the fundamental skills of art historical analysis that include formal analysis and iconographic interpretation.
• To develop an ability to interact in a personal and intimate manner with works of art - which in the case of Leonardo da Vinci are some of the most iconic in history - and their surroundings.

PART 1 – The Early Years

Lecture 1 – Verrocchio’s Apprentice

In 1467, Leonardo entered the workshop of Florence’s most celebrated sculptor, Andrea Del Verrocchio, in whose household he would remain even after becoming an independent professional artist. This lecture will examine Leonardo’s contemporary artistic environment, his formative years as an apprentice, as well as the influence of his master on his work.

Lecture 2 – The Early Works – Annunciation and Portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci

Leonardo’s earliest works were clear indicators of this unique artistic vision and talent. This lecture will analyze Leonardo’s earliest known professional contract for the church of San Bartolomeo a Monte Oliveto, and his groundbreaking portrait of a young Florentine woman named Ginevra de’ Benci.

PART 2 – The Job Search and the Ducal Servant

Lecture 3 – Unfinished Florentine Paintings – Adoration of the Magi and St. Jerome

In 1481, Leonardo began work on a major altarpiece for the church of San Donato a Scopeto. At the same time, he sent his resume to the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza, in hopes of landing the position of court artist of the duchy of Milan. This lecture will examine Leonardo’s paintings of the Adoration of the Magi and St. Gerome, both of which were left unfinished, most likely because of Leonardo’s departure for Milan.

Lecture 4 – The Controversy of the Virgin of the Rocks

In 1483, the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception commissioned Leonardo and Ambogio and Evangelista de Predis to paint an altarpiece for their chapel at the church of San Francesco Grande in Milan. Due to a controversy regarding payment to the artists, it appears that the painting was never delivered. This lecture will examine the controversy surrounding the two versions of the same subject – one in the Louvre, while the other is in the National Gallery in London.

PART 3 – The Milan Sojourn

Lecture 5 – The Unrealized Equestrian Monument of Francesco Sforza

Duke Ludovico Sforza’s principal motivation for bringing Leonardo to Milan was most likely Leonardo’s experience in working with bronze. The duke was hoping to apply Leonardo’s experience and talent to create a colossal equestrian monument in honor of his father Francesco Sforza. This lecture will examine the complex 20-year history of this never-realized monument.

Lecture 6 – The Vitruvian Man, the Lady with an Ermine, the Sala delle Asse

Although Leonardo never realized his equestrian monument, his years in Milan were some of his most productive. From architectural drawings, to court portraits, to decorating the residence of the duke, Leonardo’s sojourn in Milan resulted in the some of the most iconic works of his career. This lecture will examine those best-known from Leonardo’s Milanese period.

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The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci - Part 1