Passaporto: Language, Conversation, and Culture

Passaporto: Language, Conversation, and Culture

Dr. Erin McCarthy King

This is a three-lesson language and culture course for students of all levels who wish to broaden their understanding of Italian. Each lesson will include a vocabulary theme, a grammar lesson, and a presentation of an Italian city. The grammar covered in this course will include the difference between the two most prevalent past tenses-- the passato prossimo and imperfetto-- adjectives and adverbs, and the impersonal "si" constructions (si impersonale and si passivante) that are commonly used in Italian. All are welcome!

Vocabolario: La tecnologia
Grammatica: Parliamo del passato! The difference between the
imperfetto and the passato prossimo
Nota culturale: Il triangolo industriale: Milano, Torino, Genova

Vocabolario: I membri della famiglia e gli aggettivi descrittivi
Grammatica: Adding color to your speech: Adjectives and Adverbs
Nota culturale: San Marino

Vocabolario: Fare le spese: Shopping!
Grammatica: Cosa si fa? The impersonal "si" constructions
Nota culturale: Napoli

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- Available on Apple and Android

- Unlimited access for 14 days
- Download videos to watch offline
- Available on Apple and Android

Passaporto: Language, Conversation, and Culture