Masterpieces of 15th-Century Northern Renaissance

Masterpieces of 15th-Century Northern Renaissance

Masterpieces of 15th-Century Northern Renaissance Art

Dr. Laurinda Dixon

Masterpieces of 15th-Century Northern Renaissance
  • LECTURE 1 "The Limbourg Brothers, The Très Riches Heures du Jean, Duc de Berry"

    Before the invention of printing in the mid-fifteenth century, books were precious, one-of-a-kind objects, hand-made and decorated with miniature paintings and decorative marginalia. The Très Riches Heures was created by a team of brilliantly talented artist-brothers for the fabulously wealthy bi...

  • LECTURE 2 "Jan and Hubert van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, 1432"

    The magnificent Ghent Altarpiece, commissioned by the mayor of the city, consists of many individual panels hinged together.  Importantly, it bears the first reference to Jan van Eyck, the acknowledged "father of Northern Renaissance painting," paired with that of his brother Hubert.  Distinctive...

  • LECTURE 3 "Albrecht Dürer, Apocalypse, 15 woodcuts, 1498"

    As the year 1500 approached, Christians feared the approach of the "last days," as foretold in the Biblical Book of Revelation and prophesied by holy men such as Savanarola and Joachim of Fiore. The German artist Albrecht Dürer, a master of the new print medium, capitalized on this cultural obses...