Italian for Travel

Italian for Travel

Dr. Erin McCarthy King

This is a thematic language course, focused on the vocabulary helpful for traveling in Italy. The grammar covered in this course is intended for all skill levels, starting with a review of the present and past tenses, and moving into more advanced grammar such as the conditional tense and object pronouns. This course will help you to navigate buying tickets, booking lodging, and ordering at restaurants in Italy. We will also cover a mini cultural lesson each week, including coffee culture (when can I order a cappuccino?), mealtime in Italy, making polite requests, and discussing the weather. All are welcome!

Vocabolario: I mezzi di trasporto e viaggiare in Italia – traveling and buying tickets
Grammatica: Review of present and past tense, object pronouns
Nota culturale: Italian coffee culture

Vocabolario: Gli alloggiamenti – lodging
Grammatica: Review of definite articles (the), Il condizionale presente – The conditional tense for polite requests
Nota culturale: Che tempo fa? The weather

Vocabolario: Al ristorante! Ordering food in Italian restaurants
Grammatica: Pronomi! Review of demonstrative pronouns and ci and ne
Nota culturale: Meal time in Italy

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- Available on Apple and Android

- Unlimited access for 14 days
- Download videos to watch offline
- Available on Apple and Android

Italian for Travel