

Dr. Erin McCarthy King

This course will build on the fundamentals of sentence construction that we learned in Italian for Beginners. We will reinforce the use of the present tense sentence and question construction, in addition to learning more complex grammatical elements like possessive and demonstrative adjectives, the idiomatic use of prepositions, and reflexive verbs. The course will culminate with the study of the past tense, the passato prossimo. Our vocabulary lessons will include a combination of new terms, like family members and household vocabulary, with a review of health and travel vocabulary.

Grammatica: Verbi riflessivi al tempo presente; Che ore sono?
Vocabolario: Come si prepara per il giorno?
In our first lesson, we will begin with a review of the present tense of -are, -ere, and -ire verbs, which were covered in Italian for Beginners. We will add reflexive verbs to our understanding of the present tense and focus on vocabulary that revolves around getting ready for our day.

Grammatica: Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi; preposizioni semplici e articolate
Vocabolario: Membri della famiglia
In lesson 2, we will learn about possessive adjectives and pronouns (my, your, his, her, etc.) and how to use simple prepositions. We will also learn how to use the five prepositions that combine with the forms of the definite article, the preposizioni articolate. Students will practice vocabulary relating to family relationships.

Grammatica: Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi; i verbi irregolari dire, uscire, venire, and bere
Vocabolario: a casa
In lesson 3, our vocabulary lesson will focus on items in the household and how to describe where we live. Our grammar lesson will cover demonstrative adjectives and pronouns (this, that, these, and those in English) and we will learn the conjugations of 4 common irregular verbs in the present tense: dire, uscire, venire, and bere.

Grammatica: verbi modali / servili: dovere, potere, e volere
Vocabolario: Ripasso: vocabolario della salute
In lesson 4, we will expand our ability to express ourselves by learning the three modal verbs in Italian: dovere, potere, and volere. These verbs allow us to express obligations, abilities, and desires beyond the simple declarative sentences of the present tense. We will review the vocabulary of health and wellness and practice using the modal verbs in a medical setting.

Grammatica: Passato prossimo con avere
Vocabolario: a scuola
In lesson 5, we will learn a new verb tense: the passato prossimo with the auxiliary verb avere. We will practice discussing events in the past and how to recount stories from the past. We will review vocabulary related to school settings and practice the passato prossimo in this context.

Grammatica: Passato prossimo con essere
Vocabolario: il viaggio
In the final lesson of this course, we will continue to practice the passato prossimo with avere and introduce verbs that are conjugated with the other auxiliary verb, essere. We will learn some ways to determine whether a verb uses avere or essere in the past tense and review vocabulary related to travel. By the end of Week 6, you will be able to form sentences that describe who you are, what you are doing presently, what you must, can, and would like to do, and finally, what you have done in the past.

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